
Effect of Excessive Use Of Computer on Body Posture

Most of us are well aware that excessive computer work mostly results in neck, back, and shoulder pain, as well as overuse injuries of the wrists & hands. Repetitive movements, prolonged immobility, and reduced circulation are all to blame.

With proper arrangements, good attention to posture, and working habits, it is possible to say goodbye to work-related pains and strains.

Here are some tips for optimal body positions, but keep in mind that sitting in any position for too long gives you no good results.



While sitting in front of a computer, or laptop, the screen should be 15-25 Degree lower from a horizontal line. Lower monitor height and gaze angle can result in reduced eye strain and headache.


Neck Pain

During using a PC, Your neck should be in a neutral position, so put your keyboard and screen in front of you. If you feel an ache on the top of your neck, it means that the screen is too high, and it should be put down.  On the other hand, if you feel an ache at the bottom means it’s too low.


Shoulder Pain
Shoulder Pain

Using excessive keyboard results in shoulder pain. Wherever you realize that you are tensing and your shoulders are causing stress, take a break in your work, relax your shoulders and neck, and long breath for a few seconds.


Using an uncomfortable chair and using a mouse excessively cause in back pain. Use keyboard shortcuts and avoid using a mouse. Most PC users use body posture correctors to reduce back pain which really helps a lot. If the pain is really bad, then some may even use a natural product from somewhere like Serenity Store to help them get some pain relief.


To maintain straight wrists and reduce strain, have a slightly tilted keyboard. If you have small hands, a mouse with a low profile prevents the wrist from bending too much.


To maintain straight wrists and reduce strain, have a slightly tilted keyboard. If you have small hands, a mouse with a low profile prevents the wrist from bending too much.


Adjust your chair so your thighs are parallel to the floor. There should be enough space at the front of your chair to slip two finger-widths underneath: this avoids pressure from the edge of your seat. Your knee angle should be about 90 degrees.


Adjust your chair so your thighs are parallel to the floor. There should be enough space at the front of your chair to slip two finger-widths underneath: this avoids pressure from the edge of your seat. Your knee angle should be about 90 degrees.

Final Words

Laptops result in more strains and pains than desktops, because it’s impossible to have good posture when the screen and keyboard are so close together. Use a separate keyboard and mouse with your laptop and, for sustained comfortable use, avoid laptops altogether.