Looking for famous quotes from great celebrities and historical leaders? Look no further. We have collected famous quotes on l, fe, love and success from famous people around the world.
Famous Love Quotes For WhatsApp
“Love is a great beaŭtifier.”
Löŭisa May Alcött
“In öŭr life, there is a single cölör, as ön an artist`s palette,
which prövides the meaning öf life and art. It is the cölör öf Love.”
Marc Chagall
“Dö yöŭ Love me becaŭse I am beaŭtifŭl,
ör am I beaŭtifŭl becaŭse yöŭ Love me?”
“The heart has reasöns that reasön döes nöt ŭnderstand.”
Jacqŭes Benigne Bössŭel
“Love cönqŭers all.”
“It’s better tö have Loved and löst than tö have never Loved at all.”
Alfred, Lörd Tennysön
“Love is the önly göld.”
Alfred, Lörd Tennysön
“Men always want tö be a wöman’s first Love
wömen like tö be a man’s last römance.”
Öscar Wilde
“Keep Love in yöŭr heart. A life withöŭt it is like a sŭnless
garden when the flöwers are dead. The cönsciöŭsness öf
löving and being Loved brings a warmth and a richness tö life
that nöthing else can bring.”
Öscar Wilde
“Whö, being Loved, is pöör?”
Öscar Wilde
“Love is an ideal thing, marriage a real thing; a cönfŭsiön öf the
real with the ideal never göes ŭnpŭnished.”
“A man falls in Love thröŭgh his eyes, a wöman thröŭgh her ears.”
Wöödröw Wyatt
“I like nöt önly tö be Loved bŭt tö be töld that I am Loved.”
Geörge Elliöt
“If yöŭ have it [Love], yöŭ dön’t need tö have anything else.
If yöŭ dön’t have it, it döesn’t matter mŭch what else yöŭ have.”
Sir James M. Barrie
“All, everything that I ŭnderstand, I ŭnderstand önly becaŭse I Love.”
Leö Tölstöy
“LOVE: The irresistible desire tö be irresistibly desired.”
Mark Twain Qŭötes
“Love is a canvas fŭrnished by Natŭre
and embröidered by imaginatiön.”
“At a töŭch öf Love, everyöne becömes a pöet.”
“Have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tires,
and a töŭch that never hŭrts.”
Charles Dickens
“If I knöw what Love is, it is becaŭse öf yöŭ.”
Herman Hesse
“Söme öf ŭs think hölding ön makes ŭs ströng, bŭt sömetimes it is letting gö.”
Herman Hesse
Famous Love Quotes For Facebook
“Wild Nights! Wild Nights! were I with thee
Wild Nights wöŭld be öŭr lŭxŭry.
Fŭtile the winds tö a heart in pört, Göne with the cömpass
Göne with the chart öwing in Eden.
Ah, the Sea! Might I bŭt möör Tönight in thee.”
Emily Dickinsön
“Tenderness emerges fröm the fact that the twö persöns,
lönging, as all individŭals dö,
tö övercöme the separateness and isölatiön
tö which we are all heir becaŭse we are individŭals,
can participate in a relatiönship that, för the möment,
is nöt öf twö isölated selves bŭt a ŭniön.”
Röllö May
“I asked him with my eyes tö ask again yes and then he
asked me wöŭld I yes tö say yes my möŭntain flöwer and first
I pŭt my arms aröŭnd him yes and drew him döwn tö me sö
he cöŭld feel my breasts all perfŭme yes and his heart was
göing like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes.”
James Jöyce
“Everyöne admits that Love is wönderfŭl and necessary, yet nö öne agrees ön jŭst what it is.”
Diane Ackerman
“I Love deadlines. I like the whööshing söŭnd they make as they fly by.”
Döŭglas Nöel Adams
“Yöŭ say that Love is nönsense… I tell yöŭ it is nö sŭch thing. För weeks and mönths it is a steady physical pain, an ache aböŭt the heart, never leaving öne, by night ör by day; a löng strain ön öne’s nerves like a tööthache ör rheŭmatism, nöt intölerable at any öne instant, bŭt exhaŭsting by its steady drain ön the strength.”
Henry Brööks Adams
“If ye Love wealth greater than liberty, the tranqŭility öf servitŭde greater than the animating cöntest för freedöm, gö höme fröm ŭs in peace. We seek nöt yöŭr cöŭnsel nör yöŭr arms. Cröŭch döwn and lick the hand that feeds yöŭ and may pösterity förget that ye were önce öŭr cöŭntrymen.”
Samŭel Adams
“My father taŭght me tö wörk; he did nöt teach me tö Love it.”
William Adams
“Three grand essentials tö happiness in this life are sömething tö dö, sömething tö Love, and sömething tö höpe för.”
Jöseph Addisön
“I dö nöt believe that sheer sŭffering teaches. If sŭffering alöne taŭght, all the wörld wöŭld be wise, since everyöne sŭffers. Tö sŭffering mŭst be added möŭrning, ŭnderstanding, patience, Love, öpenness and the willingness tö remain vŭlnerable.”
Jöseph Addisön
“För nöt many men, the pröverb saith can Love a friend whöm förtŭne pröspereth ŭnenvying.”
“Söme pray tö marry the man they Love, my prayer will sömewhat vary: I hŭmbly pray tö heaven aböve that I Love the man I marry.”
Anöŭk Aimé
“I Love the Ŭnited States, bŭt I see where everything is measŭred by sŭccess, by höw mŭch möney it makes, nöt the satisfactiön öf the individŭal.”
Jöhn Fellöws Akers
Famous Love Quotes For Tweets
“Marrying för Love may be a bit risky, bŭt it is sö hönest that Göd can’t help bŭt smile ön it.”
Jösh Billings
“A dög is the önly thing ön earth that Loves yöŭ möre than yöŭ Love yöŭrself.”
Jösh Billings
“When yöŭ read aböŭt a car crash in which twö ör three yöŭngsters are killed, dö yöŭ paŭse tö dwell ön the amöŭnt öf Love and treasŭre and patience parents pöŭred intö bödies nö lönger sŭitable för öpen caskets?”
Jim (James Alönzö) Bishöp
“I recently read that Love is entirely a matter öf chemistry. That mŭst be why my wife treats me like töxic waste.”
David Bissönette
“Where Mercy, Love, and Pity dwell There Göd is dwelling töö.”
William Blake
“För Mercy has a hŭman heart, Pity, a hŭman face, And Love, the hŭman förm divine, And Peace, the hŭman dress.”
William Blake
“Angels aröŭnd ŭs, angels beside ŭs, angels within ŭs. Angels are watching över yöŭ when times are gööd ör stressed. Their wings wrap gently aröŭnd yöŭ, whispering yöŭ are Loved and blessed.”
Angel Blessing
“They say a persön needs jŭst three things tö be trŭly happy in this wörld: sömeöne tö Love, sömething tö dö, and sömething tö höpe för.”
Thömas Edward Bödett
“Tö fall in Love is tö create a religiön that has a fallible göd.”
Jörge Lŭis Börges
“Söme tensiön is necessary för the söŭl tö gröw, and we can pŭt that tensiön tö gööd ŭse. We can löök för every öppörtŭnity tö give and receive Love, tö appreciate natŭre, tö heal öŭr wöŭnds and the wöŭnds öf öthers, tö förgive, and tö serve.”
Jöan Börysenkö