

What Are Some Upcoming PPC Trends You Can Take Advantage

marketing strategyPay per click marketing is not as popular as it once was because of social media platforms and other factors. However, those who have been in the business of digital marketing are more than aware that a good campaign can make a massive difference in running a successful business and ending up with a complete failure.

Having experience certainly helps, but so does preparing in advance. There are certain trends that you can expect to see in the near future. The more you familiarize yourself with them, the better the outcome will be.

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1. Automation

It should not be that surprising to see so much automation in a lot of different industries. They make work that much easier. PPC is no exception as automation here helps to boost the overall performance of a campaign.

Machines can learn faster than humans and if you apply certain algorithms, there is no telling just how far everything can go. We can expect to see even more of this in the future, so be on the lookout for the next big announcement about automation.

2. Keyword Research

Keyword research can be a lot of fun, but it might be difficult to create something that really stands out and helps you deal with the competition. Some keywords are quite expensive and not everyone is able to afford them. 

So what should be done in this situation? The answer is quite clear – looking for unique longtail keywords. A big chunk of searches on search engines like Google consists of 4 or more words. See whether you can find keywords that fit this description and are relevant to your niche.

3. Remarketing

Getting people who have visited your site but did not spend any money to come back will also play a big role. Remarketing happens to be one of the most underused features of Google advertisement, meaning that those who will get a head start will be able to reap greater benefits.

4. Collaborative Filtering

You can create a group based on various demographics like age, location, interests, and show ads that are relevant. 

5. SEO

SEO Tactics

SEO and PPC go hand in hand together. Separating them is more or less impossible. If you want to run a truly successful campaign, you will want to make use of them.

6. Visual Searches

Pinterest and Instagram are two popular platforms that rely on visuals more than anything else. But Google is not falling behind either as it recently launched Discover and Gallery. While the two are still in the early stages, you can be certain that they will make an impact in the foreseeable future.

7. Voice Search

Optimizing a site for voice search can be a bit of a pain, but if you were to do that and be the first in your industry, you will definitely have a massive advantage. 

Various smart devices have become a household item that you can find almost everywhere, and they will continue to become more improved with new features. Some predict that more than half of searches online will be initiated by such devices. Thus, it could be one of the cornerstones for your campaign.

8. Video Ads

Have you heard about YouTube Bumper Machine? Probably not, since it is not something that has been out for a long time. Video ads can be pretty annoying for people who want to watch a video in peace, but they work. 

9. Social Media

Everyone is aware that the number of active users on platforms like Facebook and Instagram continues to grow. It would be a complete waste to not and try taking advantage of this fact. Social media could be the key to your road to a fruitful PPC campaign

10. Smart Bidding

Smart bidding is going to become even stronger and inevitable when strategizing. This method makes use of machine learning and helps you create a more efficient campaign. 

11. The Emergence of Alternative Platforms

There is no doubt that Google and Facebook have been at the top of the PPC food chain. However, the status quo is slowly shifting towards other platforms. If you want to diversify your campaign, you will definitely want to spend some of your money on websites like Quora, LinkedIn, AdRoll, Bing, and even Amazon.

In a word, it is quite clear that there will be some changes in the world of PPC marketing. Only those who adapt will be able to not just keep up but get in front of those who are not as flexible. Hopefully, this article will be of great help to everyone who is looking to experience a better impact on their pay per click campaigns.