Starting a business is one of those things we all tell ourselves we’re going to do, but what happens when you really make the jump? Well, to begin with, you’ll feel free and liberated as you set your own direction, but if you’re not careful stress can start to take hold before you know it. To give you everything you need to hit the ground running, we’ve put together a list of some of the very best ways to manage your stress. Here’s everything you need to know.
1. Remember why you’re really doing it
Losing sight of why you started your business in the first place is one of the best ways to get stressed and overwhelmed. You need to keep your motivation and drive at the front of your mind if you’re going to smooth out the bumps that inevitably lie ahead. It’s all about making yourself believe you’re working towards something much bigger and better than the here and now. If you can do that, you’ll already be halfway there.
2. Teach yourself the art of delegation
Trying to do everything may make you incredibly busy, but will it make you incredibly productive? No, all it will do is lead to burnout and fatigue so that you simply don’t have the energy or the will to grow your business. Finding people you can trust to get the work done for you is one of the secrets to running a successful business. They’ll be your biggest asset and resource, so put the time in when it comes to finding and hiring them.
3. Leave perfectionism at the door
If you want to do every single task perfectly then you’re just setting yourself up for disappointment. Business is all about doing the best job in the time that’s available, not about fine-tuning everything so that’s it’s perfect, regardless of how long it takes. Be flexible and adaptable rather than someone who chases perfection and you’ll find you get a lot more done.
4. Cut costs, not quality
Now that you’re the boss you’ll have a far greater awareness of how much things cost. The problem with this is that you might be tempted to cut costs at the expense of the quality you receive for your money. This is only ever a shortsighted plan because before you know it you’ll be paying double to have things put right. If you want to get your business up and running in no time, invest in quality.
5. Find a mentor you can turn to for advice
Mentors and coaches are really important, and when you’re starting a new business you’ll find their input and advice truly invaluable. They’re the people you can turn to for a sense of perspective, a strategic insight, or just someone who will listen to how hard you’re finding things. They’ve been there and done it, so don’t be surprised if they’re unfazed by what you have to tell them. This steady, reassuring presence is exactly what you want by your side.
Find someone who works in a similar niche or industry to you, and most importantly of all find someone you can relate to. It’s all about building up a rapport that allows you to ask their advice without feeling like you’re burdening them or wasting their time. The more open and honest you can be with one another, the more you’re both going to get out of the process. Just what you need when you want to move things forward.
6. Focus on strategy as much as possible
It’s so easy to get fixated on the moment, the here and now, and the very next thing on your to-do list. The secret to business is to be able to focus on the detail whilst also having one eye on the big picture.
This is the distinction between strategy and tactics, and having a highly developed strategy will be absolutely crucial to the long term success of your business. It will set the tone and direction for everything you do, and it’ll keep you directing your efforts towards your longer-term goals.
7. Take a break and see the big picture
Last but not least, remember to take a break. If you’re always fixated on your next product launch or software release, you’re not going to be able to enjoy any of the successes you have along the way. You might feel super busy, but you’re not going to be getting the most out of the experience, and you certainly won’t feel rested.
Take a regular break at a time to suit you and make sure it’s scheduled into your routine. At first, it may seem a little weird to be scheduling time off, but before you know it you’ll be reaping the rewards from your proactive approach to managing stress.