
How to Secure and Password Protect Google Drive Folders


What is Google Drive?

Google Drive is a phenomenon creation that outstands all the other competing companies in its way. This is not the very first successful creation of Google rather just another great invention yet again by the same author. For example, we have Google maps, Google mail, Google chrome, Google keep etc.

The cloud technology is one of its latest invention that breaks its competition into two pieces. By competition we mean the other means of storage options which were in the market for some time but are not counting their very last days.

For example, none other than USB drives were at the top of the mountain a few years ago, but with the emergence of cloud storage, the so called efficient portable devices are becoming history. Although they are still in use but remember, not for very long.

What does Google drive do for you?

In short, a lot, like way too much. Especially when most of what it does is done free of cost. Google drive is an important tool that allows you store files, photos, folders, videos, audios, docs and whatever you have to store can be stored.

Access your files from any part of the location with no restriction

Sharing files becomes rather easy with colleagues whether in remote place or in disbursed location.

Auto syncing of files placed on your computer.


Since you are always logged in, anyone can access your files if you leave either your phone or PC attended (even for a minute).

Google drive doesn’t need your thumb impression to show itself. It’s the ‘bearer’s property’ as whoever, holds it, owns it.

How can you protect Google Drive?

  • The easiest way of gaining protection is adding a password to your cell phone or PC. We hope you have already utilized this feature but if not, go ahead with it. Make sure the passcode isn’t too easy to guess and must be rare and unique.
  • Since the Google drive does not provide the option of password protection of data, here you can set restrictions or limitations of making any changes whatsoever in your files or folders. Hence, no unauthorized modification or alteration would process after this.
  • In case of using a custom script, individual documents can be locked in Google Drive using the password lock. But know that it isn’t easy as setting restriction on each file isn’t easy.
  • Since our usage of mobile phones have increased too much (mostly on our phones), it’s better to take some precautionary steps before anything happens. Here’s how you can set passcodes to your files and get rid of the unwanted attention.

How to add passcode on Google Drive in iPhone/iPad:

In addition, by activating the ‘passcode lock’ setting, you can password protect the Google drive account on iPad/iPhone through the app. Steps are as follows:

  • Step1: Open Google Drive app just as you normally do
  • Step2: Tap on ‘settings menu’ and tap on passcode lock. Tap on the slider to activate this feature
  • Step3: Enter your passcode twice to create and confirm your passcode

Hint: try making a different passcode than what you usually use to access your device

Different between USB Drives and cloud storage:

USB drives can be carried along, cloud storage cannot be carried along

USB drives have physical presence, cloud storage is all based on clouds

There are multiple types of physical drives like external drives, flash drives and USB drives. Cloud storage have different brand names but similar service like Dropbox, Google Drive and OneDrive.

Which one is better?

Cloud storage, hands down. Know why? Read on:

  • Does not bound you to make physical space
  • Can be accessed from any location
  • Free from viruses and Trojans
  • Always protected with login credentials