√ Get The Alternative Ending:
Collect all the life improvements disseminated through the game, then return to the hourglass room with all the improvements in life and there should be a sword hidden in the middle of the room, take the hidden sword, then play normally and You will get the alternative ending.
√ Pink Flamingo Weapon:
To obtain this weapon, you will need a sword that can break the walls. In the Garden Hall (Present), starting from the middle towards the top of the room, make a wall with the rope, then a wall towards the central platform.
Turn left and cross the rubble wall in front of you. You will turn around and catch the platform on which you were standing. From there, the gap with the next platform jumps. On your left, you will see another platform with a switch.
Go ahead, press the switch, then go back to the platform where you were right. Now there will be a block in which you can climb. From the top of the block, create a vertical wall + jump to reach the radius above you. Walk along the beam to the right, then jump over the ledge on the back wall. Follow the ledge to an alcove.
Go up to the room and break the back wall on the right side to expose the weapon holder. Break the rack and you can collect the Pink Flamingo, an unbreakable secondary weapon that inflicts moderate damage and hits all regular enemies in the field at once.
√ Rayman’s Glove Weapon:
In the main tomb of the catacombs, when going through the exit, a chase of Dahaka begins. In the second and third races through this exit, you will arrive at a branch in the passage. If you turn left at the branch, there is a weapons locker that hides immediately to your left. Break the rack and retrieve the Rayman glove, an unbreakable secondary weapon that does little damage but hits all regular enemies on the ground at once.
√ Teddy Bear Weapon:
To obtain this weapon, you will need a sword that can break the walls. In the mechanical hole (present), enter the room with the fireplace at the top of the well, where you have already fought a brute. At the bottom of the room, there is a passage that goes down to the right and to the dead end to a water well.
Drop in the hole and you should see a section of the wall with the light shining through it. Break this wall to expose a zippered gun. Break the hanger and you can pick up the teddy bear, an unbreakable secondary weapon that causes minimal damage but restores your health every time you hit an enemy with it.
√ Yellow Glowing Sword:
To obtain this weapon, you will need a sword that can break the walls. In the mystical caves, after crossing the first door you need to unlock, you will arrive at a passage divided by a well with a switch on the ground. Drop in the hole, and at one end you will see a breakable section of the wall.
Break this wall to expose a weapon holder. Break the heater in the house and you can raise the glowing sword, a secondary and unbreakable weapon that causes ridiculous damage but will gradually cause damage every time you use it.
√ Hockey Stick Weapon:
First, you will need the Scorpion Sword. When you return to the centerpiece during the Throne and Mask step, turn the lever to cover the space at ground level. Then, direct the path you took to get the update before, but this time, instead of entering the door, turn right and break the wall with the falling sand. The hockey stick is on the support of the weapon.