
Get Facebook Unfriend Notification When Someone Unfriend Or Block You

Facebook Unfriend Notification

There are hundreds of websites, Groups, and Pages on Facebook claiming they will show you who unfriends you, but they’re just trying to scam you. There only a few tools by using them you can know who had unfriend you on Facebook.

Here I am introducing a very interesting and helpful Android app tool that sends you Facebook unfriend notification when someone unfriend or block you on Facebook. Read this post to know about unblocking someone on facebook.

This not only sends you Facebook unfriend notification, it also informs you when any one of your Facebook friend lists deactivated his account, reactivated his account after deactivating, Befriend You, and notify you about your new friends.

In following Steps I have explained the detail process of installing the real working app and its use:

1.Search “Who Unfriended Me” In Mobile PlayStore

Open the play-store app on your android mobile, type the keyword “Who Unfriended Me” in the search bar and go for search. After searching the keyword, a list of the different app will appear on the mobile screen.

Most of them are fake and just for spamming. But it is not very hard to point out the real working app. Just go for top 3 applications, and check the number of downloads. Original app has about 1 million downloads or more than that.

2. Install App On Your Mobile Phone And Login.

Install App On Your Android Phone. After installing the app on your cell phone, run it and login with your Facebook ID by entering USERNAME and PASSWORD. Don’t worry about putting your id and password, this app is safe.

Once you have logged in, then your job is done, after logging in the app, it will start informing you by the notification when some unfriend/block/ you or deactivated/reactivated his Facebook account like showing in the following images.
Don’t forget to put your feedback about this article in the comment, or if you face any problem in installing the app or have any confusion or question, you can ask me there. If you find this helpful to you then share it on your Facebook and Twitter profiles.